Rock n Roll Bride - The ultimate guide for alternative brides


Thursday Treats – 13th October 2011 + Rock n Roll Bride Magazine Madness


October 13, 2011

Last weekend I was exhibiting at The Designer Vintage Bridal Show. It was so exciting to meet so many of my readers and hurrah for you all being brave enough to come say hi! I think the Rock n Roll Bride Magazines may have helped... The buzz around the mags at the show was tangible. Everyone was asking us questions about it and wanting to get their mitts on a copy. Words can't express by enamor at seeing every person in the place walking around with a copy of the magazine! In fact many of you even tweeted me photos of you (or your pets!) with the magazine afterwards which made my day!

I am a Secret Squirrel…


October 1, 2011

All will be properly revealed really soon, but needless to say I'm pretty darn excited about it. Could this be a Rock n Roll Bride Magazine? ...And a FREE one at that? If you want to find out exactly what's been going on then you'll need to come see me at the The Designer Vintage Bridal Show in Birmingham next weekend, where I'll be handing out copies of this new little venture of mine for absolutely nadda. Tickets for the show can be purchased online here.

Recent Press – August 2011


August 27, 2011

So I found out last week that Marie Claire Australia are going to re-run my article that appeared in the July issue of the UK version of the mag. Wooo...Australia is like, BIG. I'm over the moon and so so thrilled that my Aussie readers will get the chance to see me in print. So thank you (again) to Marie Claire Magazine. I am beyond flattered that you've found me interesting enough to publish twice! I'll be sure to let you all know when the Australian edition is in the shops. So where else might you have spied my ugly mug this past month then?

A Day in the Life…At The Wedding Magazine Cover Shoot


April 27, 2011

So last week I was invited by Catherine Westwood, editor at Wedding Magazine, if I'd like to go hang out at a cover shoot with them. Ermmm... let me think about this for like two seconds...YES PLEASE! Before you go getting all excited, no I wasn't asked to model! It will probably be a cold day in hell before any wedding mag can have a pink haired chick on the cover. These publications have to appeal to the mass market and I feel that a neon-headed, inked bride might alienate a rather large proportion of their readership! I was up early last Thursday and on the train to London, excited and honoured to have been invited...even though a little (no, a lot) tired. I arrived at the shoot at 9.30 to be greeted by a familiar face in hairdresser Sev of The Hepburn Collection who had been invited to do the hair, and Julia Ford, art editor of the magazine. I also got to hang out with the rest of the team, many of whom I'd met briefly before at various wedding shows and events. Alison from Pollen Nation (who I worked with on The Big Fat Wedding Bloggers Photo Shoot) was even there to supply some of the gorgeous flowers.

Recent Press – January 2011


January 29, 2011

Yep, 2011 is continuing to get better and better (my friend Gala is calling 2011, "two thousand and heaven" - I think that's quite accurate actually!) Here's a snippet of my press for the month of January. I've decided for future to just do a quick round up of my press on the last Saturday of every month as I want to save more blog space for all the awesome real-wedding I'm being sent! All magazines are available in the shops right now.

Our Wedding Featured in Wedding Ideas Magazine (Again!)


January 20, 2011

Back in the Summer I was asked by Wedding Ideas Magazine, who originally featured Gareth & my wedding waaay back in 2008, if we would like to take part in a Real Life Weddings Revisited feature. Being a huge poser, I of course jumped at the chance (and Gareth came along for the ride - again - too!) I also thought it would be a nice opportunity to share our wedding with all the new readers of the blog who probably won't have seen it before. What a difference 3 years can make huh? As you can see, our wedding certainly wasn't the most Rock n Roll out there. The wedding industry in the UK was a very different place in 2008, and my disillusion with most of the choices that were offered to us at that time was actually the catalyst for starting this blog and campaigning for alternative weddings everywhere!

The Editor of WEDDING Magazine’s Very Own Rock n Roll Wedding


January 13, 2011

I am totally thrilled, excited, over the moon, honoured that my editor at WEDDING Magazine asked if I wanted to feature her Rock n Roll wedding. As the editor of a national wedding magazine, you might expect her wedding to be the super traditional kind but not this chick! By working in the industry for so long, Catherine knew exactly what she did (and didn't!) want for her big day and the result was a fabulous and eclectic one.

Rock n Roll Bride in Company Magazine


December 31, 2010

I'm closing 2010 with some good news. Last month I was contacted by Company Magazine for some unusual hen (bachelorette) ideas for an article they were writing on the subject. I was more than happy to wax lyrical about getting some fab hen night photos and to recommned some of my favourite photographers who can do so (they are listed in the article so go and pick yourself up a copy, although if you are interested in the idea be sure to ask your photographer - many of them may have never thought of offering the service before but would love to take some snaps of you and your girls!)