Rock n Roll Bride - The ultimate guide for alternative brides


Rock n Roll Bride Magazine Issue Two On Sale Today!


March 5, 2015

It seems like it's been the longest two months ever waiting for the second issue of the magazine to hit the shelves. I know, because you've all told me, repeatedly! However I'm pleased as punch to let you know that your wait is finally over and issue 2 hits newstands up and down the country TODAY! I loved issue 1 so much, but I have to say I think this one is even better. I mean just look at the cover! The pup on the left is cracking me up, he's so damn happy! Now, I don't know about you, but I would totally pick that off a shelf.

Rock n Roll Bride Magazine ON SALE TODAY!


January 8, 2015

Do you know what day it is today? ROCK N ROLL BRIDE MAGAZINE LAUNCH DAY!!! The journey of this magazine from a small idea in 2011 to what it is now is quite a story. It actually started it's life as a free handout that I gave away at a wedding fair, but it was so popular, and the reaction online so massive, that I went on to self-publish a yearly magazine. I did this twice, once in 2012 and again in 2013. Then over the Summer last year, I got a call from a publishers who wanted to help me to take it national, aka make it a bi-monthly mag and put it in real life shops all over the UK! This little baby of mine has all grown up and blossomed into a fully fledged, legitimate wedding magazine! Oh and I'm in charge! Uh oh...

Wedding Planning Advice for the Newly Engaged


Eric Ronald

January 6, 2015

Yey! You’re engaged… Now what? You’re probably feeling a heady mix of emotions right now – excitement, anticipation, joy, terror!? While everyone you speak to will kindly remind you that this will be the happiest time in your life, you’ll soon be feeling that inevitable wave of panic too. It’s perfectly normal to be a little bit scared and overwhelmed at this stage. I mean, how on Earth do you even start to plan a wedding!? Yes, there is an enormous amount to do in a relatively short period of time but come on, if I can do it, you certainly can too. The most important thing to remember is that this is just one day. Your wedding will not define the rest of your life. It should be a nice starting off point for your marriage. But I know how it feels, and once the happy glow of getting engaged starts to wear off, it’s all too easy to fall into the trap of hyperventilating over guest lists, seating arrangements and finding that one perfect dress.

Happy New Year! Rock n Roll Bride: An Overview


Madeline Kate

January 1, 2015

I know many of you have been reading for a while, but with a new year rolling in it's always nice to start afresh and take the time to reintroduce myself to anyone who might be new around these parts. I published an Idiot's Guide to Rock n Roll Bride this time last year, so if you haven't already you should definitely check it out to help you get your bearings. A few things have changed since January 2014 (and not just my hair colour!) so I'm quickly going to go over them now.

Don’t Panic!


September 17, 2013

Probably one of the biggest - and toughest - lessons I've learnt through running my own business is that things are never as straight forward as you think they'll be. Last week, after returning from a fortnight away from the office, I was met with the news that there was a complication (which was our fault) with the printing of the magazine. It was looking like we'd have to redesign a whole section, rearrange a bunch of stuff and then resubmit the whole document for proofing and printing again. This was not only looking to be a pretty costly mistake but one that was going to delay the release date of the mag by at least a month.

Rock n Roll Bride Magazine… SOLD OUT!


May 24, 2013

Goodness! Who would have thought that launching a magazine to compliment this little blog of mine would have been such a runaway success? Ever since we published issue 2 of this yearly magazine, waaaaay back in August last year, the orders have been coming in daily. Gareth, who packs and ships every single one by hand, has been a busy bee for sure, and a regular fixture at our local Post Office! He’s obviously been doing his job pretty damn well too, because he told me this week that issue two is now officially sold out. Whoa.

Cosmopolitan Magazine’s Superbloggers Masterclass


Devlin Photos

May 18, 2013

On a soggy Spring evening Lisa and I headed to London. It was Tuesday, and the night of the Cosmopolitan Magazine Superbloggers Masterclass. I was thrilled, honoured and damn right nervous as hell to have been asked to join an illustrious panel of experts at this prestigious event. The masterclass was a complete sell-out, with two hundred enthusiastic wannabe bloggers braving wind and rain to make it to The British Museum for the two-hour panel discussion and Q&A.

Remember How I Published a Magazine?


February 24, 2013

I'm sure most of your will already know this, but last Summer we published issue two of our print magazine. Since then, and every day with out fail, my poor suffering Gareth has been packing and shipping each copy that's been ordered - by hand. There's no fancy behind the scenes action in our operation believe you me. He's become quite the regular feature in our local post office. I wonder if they take bets about what he's sending out in those shiny pink envelopes with such regularity.

A Sunday Kind of Love: Pictures of You…


August 5, 2012

It's been such an exciting week, not least of all because the photos of you lot with your Rock n Roll Bride magazines have been coming in thick and fast! I know not everyone will have got there's yet (we're packing and shipping every single one ourselves - eeek - we are getting through the orders as fast as we can!) but my inbox and twitter stream have been awash with Rock n Roll awesomeness all week! Keep your photos coming in, I'll share some more of them over the coming weeks. Here are some of my favourites from the last 7 days...

It’s Finally Here! Issue 2 of Rock n Roll Bride Print Magazine Available Now!


July 30, 2012

It's here! It's finally here! To say creating issue 2 of Rock n Roll Bride Magazine has been a labour of love would be an understatement of epic proportions. When Gareth & I made the decision late last year to create a second edition of the magazine after the unanticipated appreciation over issue 1 (which was initially conceived to just be a free handout at a wedding show), not in a million years did we think it would take so long... and take so much out of us. Dear God, I have a new found respect for everyone who works in the print industry. I won't bore you with the trials and tribulations we've had along the way, but rest assured that magazines are hard work. But when 50-odd boxes of something we created were delivered to our house on Friday, it all suddenly felt worth it. I have never been so proud!

A Seaside Themed Wedding in St Ives: Suzy & Christian


July 20, 2012

When the deputy editor of Cosmopolitan Magazine gets married, you just know it's going to be awesome right? Well Suzy & her fiance Christian didn't disappoint when planning their summer wedding. Choosing St Ives, Cornwall as the location, what could be more apt than a seaside themed wedding?! "We met at journalism school in London in 1999 and were friends for five years before we eventually got together," began Suzy. "Even though we live in London (and I'm from Oxford), we never discussed getting married anywhere but St Ives. It's the place my dad's been to on holiday ever year since he was a baby - so the place I've been to on holiday every year too. It's the most beautiful seaside town with gorgeous cobbled streets and the most spectacular beaches. It feels magical and we wanted to share it with all our friends."

A Vegas Wedding in the Cosmopolitan Hotel Pop Up Chapel: Ashley & Jeremy


March 19, 2012

Ashley & Jeremy are wedding photographers so were in Las Vegas at the same time as I was for WPPI. After the Airplanes & Blazers party (which I was also at...!) Jeremy was sitting at a table with Patrick from StillMotion (while Ashley was off in the bathroom) and Jeremy was telling Patrick he would love to propose. Patrick encouraged him, telling him if he proposed and they got married while they were all still in Vegas, Patrick would shoot it! When Ashley returned, Patrick proposed, right there and then by saying "Will you marry me...on Wednesday?!" So just 36 hours later, they were married in the Pop Up Wedding Chapel at the Cosmopolitan Hotel with all of their best wedding photographer friends from WPPI watching.

Recent Press: November 2011


November 26, 2011

Just a quickie to let say thank you to everyone that came to my first School of Rock (n Roll Bride)* yesterday. I had a great time talking to possibly the nicest bunch of girls (and one token guy - there's always one poor bloke at these things!) that I could have asked for for my first workshop. I'm now more excited than nervous for the next one! I'll have a few more photos to share with you soon, but here's one Shell took on her phone yesterday. This month I contradicted myself a bit by profiling someone who doesn't have her own blog but makes her business work without one. I wanted to show how Assassynation makes social media, in particular Facebook, work for her and her business.