Rock n Roll Bride - The ultimate guide for alternative brides


Celebrate & Sparkle!: A Festive Bridal Editorial for Rock n Roll Bride Magazine


Devlin Photos

December 31, 2018

Happy New Year's Eve! How are you celebrating tonight? Is it a night on the town, a house party with your besties or a night in with a bottle of Prosecco and turning your bathtub into a makeshift ball pit? If the latter sounds like a damn good time then you're going to love this shoot (ha!) If you're a reader of Rock n Roll Bride magazine you will have already seen a few of these shots, as this editorial was featured inside issue 23, however I thought today, the national day of parties, would be the perfect time to share some of the previously unpublished shots with you.

Issue 24 is Now Available for Pre-Order!


December 26, 2018

If there's one thing I think would possibly make Rock n Roll Bride magazine better... its MORE Rock n Roll Bride magazine! Which is why I'm super excited to introduce you to issue 24, our first ever BUMPER ISSUE. That means this issue has more pages, more real weddings and more wedding planning inspo and advice that EVER BEFORE. We've upped the page count for the first time and all for the same £4.99 you're used to. I know, we're just too damn good to you.

Mirror Mirror: An Alternative Bridal Editorial for Rock n Roll Bride Magazine


Devlin Photos

December 5, 2018

Rock n Roll Bride was built on sharing alternative, inspirational yet attainable real weddings. When I started blogging in 2007 there was no other platform showcasing weddings that sauntered off the beaten path. However through many long hours of trawling wedding forums, Flickr groups and good old fashion Google, I was able to uncover many, MANY incredibly creative, super unique real weddings that weren't being shared anywhere else  - I assume because they didn't fit the picture perfect, traditional wedding mould that was so popular a decade ago.

Issue 23 is Now Available for Pre-Order


October 26, 2018

Please allow me to be a broken record because HOT DAMNNNN, I am so thrilled with this cover! Nailing a cover-worthy shot is one of the most difficult/ stressful parts of creating a magazine so when we get it this right it fills my heart with JOY! I'm not even going to be modest about it because I literally love it so much. That glittery eye! The fluffy jacket! Her beautiful hair perfectly framing our logo - ugh it's all so good! I really hope you love it too.

Into the Wild: Walthamstow Wetlands Editorial for Rock n Roll Bride Magazine


Devlin Photos

September 2, 2018

I am so excited to finally be publishing this bridal fashion editorial in full today! If you grabbed yourself a copy of the last issue of Rock n Roll Bride magazine you will have already seen a lot of this shoot inside, but today I wanted to take the opportunity to not only share more images that didn't quite make the spread (when 10 pages just isn't enough!) but to tell you all about Walthamstow Wetlands, one of London's coolest new wedding venues, who we partnered with for this shoot.

8 Reasons Why Rock n Roll Bride is the Only Wedding Magazine You’ll Ever Need (Plus issue 13 Is Now Available!)


February 26, 2017

Your eyes are not deceiving you, this IS the cover of the brand new issue of Rock n Roll Bride magazine, which is available for pre-order from today! Now I may be totally biased, but isn't that the coolest wedding magazine cover image you've EVER seen!? Shot by the incredible Jenn Emerling, Chrissa and Jon's kawaii pastel wonderland wedding is featured inside! By the way, do you know you can order Rock n Roll Bride magazine online for no extra cost than picking one up from the shops? Do you also know that you can subscribe meaning you'll never miss an issue? Here are nine reasons why I think you should be grabbing yourself a copy of this brand new issue right now along with a few sneak peeks inside!