Rock n Roll Bride - The ultimate guide for alternative brides


Bohemian Forest Wedding Inspired by the South American Sunset (with the Bride in a Hand-Painted Dress!)


Rob Dodsworth

March 7, 2018

I don't usually like to make assumptions about which weddings might be the most popular ones that we publish, but I'm pretty confident to state that I think you are all going to lose your collective shit when you see Lisa and Tom's wedding. Why? Well would you get a load of her DRESS!!! Before we move onto discussing anything else about this one, we need to talk about that immediately!

Colourful Contemporary Wedding with the Bride in Vivienne Westwood


Dan McCourt

December 12, 2017

Grace and Stephen's summer wedding was contemporary and colourful. They wanted it to be as modern as possible, without a hint of stuffy formality. Overall they wanted to create a really good party and the bride knew she wanted to wear Vivienne Westwood from the outset. "I’ve been such a fan of hers for ages", she said, "and I once worked at her store, so I knew exactly what I’d go for. All the accessories were bought to compliment it too!"

Board Game Themed Central London Wedding



August 15, 2017

Holly and Laura met on a dating website. Both very shy, it allowed them to get to know each other really well before they met and once they did they immediately hit it off. "The first time we met in real life was at Waterloo station and both of us were ridiculously early!" Holly laughed. "We went to an art exhibition at the Southbank Centre. From there we walked and talked down the Southbank to Borough before jumping on a tube to Soho where we had a few drinks and lots of laughs."

Over The Rainbow: Editorial for Rock n Roll Bride Magazine


Devlin Photos

May 15, 2017

As issue 14 is now on sale, I thought today I would share some of the bonus photos from our issue 13 rainbow bride fashion editorial. I love putting these shoots together with my amazing photo shoot team (do go and check their websites out in the credits at the bottom of this post, they really are the BEST at what they do!) and although I'll always prefer to share real wedding inspo on the blog over styled shoots, when you create something you're proud of its fun to share that too!

Colourful Pub Wedding



May 13, 2017

Laura and Jack's pub wedding was low key, laid back and colourful. They didn’t want to be restricted by one particular colour or style, we they included a bit of everything they like. "For inspiration I looked online and in magazines but mostly everything looked quite boring, until I found Rock n Roll Bride!" said Laura. "So I did take lots of inspiration from the website and magazine but mostly we just winged it and picked things we liked."

Rainbows & Stars Themed Wedding in France


Chloe Vollmerlo

May 9, 2017

Margot and Paul's summer wedding had a very obvious theme: Rainbows! They were married at a lovely country house in the heart of the Thousand Ponds region in Haute Saone, France. The bride bought her dress online, and had it customised to match their theme by adding multicoloured stars to the waist. Their bridesmaids and flowergirls were each given a different colour for their outfit, making a rainbow when they all stood together!