Rock n Roll Bride - The ultimate guide for alternative brides

Our Shoots

‘Rock n Robin’: A1950’s Christmas Shoot for the BBC


November 7, 2011

I know what you're thinking...Christmas stuff already woman?! Well just hear me out would ya... I've known wedding photographer Ashton Jean-Pierre ever since we both went to Emma Case's wedding back in March. I don't think we managed to talk on the night, but after the event I saw some of his incredible photos (that he just took on his iPhone!) on facebook and so I got in contact to ask if I could share some of them on my blog. He said yes and we've chatted online ever since. Ashton is deaf which makes no differece at all when communicating online, but when he asked if Gareth & I would like to do a mini shoot with him I was a teeny tiny bit nervous on how we would get on it 'real life'. However I needn't have worried. Ashton is so expressive and animated that it's actually pretty easy to have a conversation, and although I didn't know any sign language before we met, we were easily able to chat by gesturing and using good old fashioned pen and paper to write things down.

‘Rock n Riot’ – Behind the Scenes Photos and Video


June 9, 2011

First of all, a big load of love to everyone who took the time to comment, tweet, facebook or email me about the ‘Rock n Riot’ shoot yesterday. As ever I have been blown away with your love and support. I’m thrilled with the results but I always have to go one step further huh? So today I have the behind the scenes shots from Emma Case and video awesomeness from Pete Smyth & Simon Clarke to share. But that's not all, the styling genius that is the Ava team have also kindly popped by to explain a bit more about how they executed this epic (this word keeps cropping up in relation to this shoot…but seriously, I don’t think anything else could describe it as well!) styled shoot.

‘Rock n Riot’ – A Punk Themed Styled Shoot… The Final Results!


June 8, 2011

That time has come again when I have to put into words a day of so much epicness that it’s hard to know even where to begin. My latest big photo shoot was the brainchild of myself and florist Amy Grzegorzek of Little A in Birmingham. We first met at the Designer Vintage Bridal Fair in February and after seeing her beautiful vintage-inspired table settings, we got talking about working on a collaboration. She told me how she was about to launch Ava Event Styling, alongside Amanda of Bonne Fête and Vickie of The Boutique Baking Company, so a shoot like this would really be the very best way to enter the scene with a bang! “I’d love to do something really mental one day, shake things up a bit” Amy told me. “Yeah…like a punk themed wedding?” I asked. Amy’s face lit up like a child on Christmas morning and I’m pretty sure she let out a little squeal. “Yes! OMG yes, can we do it?!” …well put it this way, she didn’t have to ask me twice.

An Official Preview of ‘Rock n Riot’ – A Punk Themed Styled Shoot


May 20, 2011

This week I was Birmingham for my latest photo shoot. As always, I am so excited to share the results and as ever I've tried, with my trusty team, to go bigger and better with the theming, styling and general execution of the whole thing. The brief I gave was 'punk!' and the team I worked with on Wednesday were incredible (literally words can't describe) and really got into the whole idea. Every single person brought their own adaptation of the theme along, and somehow it actually worked together brilliantly.

Teaser: A Sense of Culture – A Photography Exhibition for the Museum of Reading


April 20, 2011

Not that many people realise this but I'm from Reading, a town about 40 miles out of London. I've never really done that much 'stuff' in my home town as to be honest, pretty much everything happens in London and that's where about 90% of my contacts are. However when local photographer Neil Horne of Eye Imagine Photography called me and asked if I'd like to be included in an exhibition he was putting together for the Museum of Reading entitled 'A Sense of Culture', where he'd be photographing a selection of artists in the town...well I jumped at the chance. Hell, I went to this museum on primary school trips!

A Sneak Peek of My Shoot For “London Tattoos” – A Forthcoming Book from Photographer Alex Macnaughton


April 4, 2011

About a week ago, I got an email from my friend Amma telling me about a new book she'd just heard about. London Tattoo, was being put together by photographer Alex Macnaughton with the aim to photograph and document the stories of a diverse collection of tattooed people in London. I figured I had nothing to loose and so quickly filled in the application form. "I'm not the most tattooed girl out there," I thought, "but it's always worth giving these things a go."

Magpie Vintage Launch The Rose Collection…and I Get on a Horse & Jump on a Trampoline to Celebrate!


March 25, 2011

I sneak peeked this shoot back in February but I had to wait until now to share the full thing...sorry to keep you all waiting, it was hard for me too! I was asked by Lisa & Tania, the vintage jewellery aficionados behind Magpie Vintage if I'd like to model for their latest campaign - the launch of their brand new clothing line. Needless to say I didn't need much convincing, even when they told me I had to get on a horse!

Kat & Gareth’s “Beloved” Session with Marianne Taylor


March 16, 2011

It seems like forever ago now, but last year my friend Marianne Taylor sent me an email to let me know about an amazing and life-changing workshop she'd just completed. Hosted by Canadian photographer Jesh de Rox, the Life {as an artform} workshop had taught her some new techniques that she was desperate to try out and she asked if Gareth & I would model for her. This workshop wasn't a technical or a 'how to run your business' one. It didn't teach her a new technique with her camera or show her how to be a more successful taught her how to use emotional exercises in order to bring the couple together, in the moment, and into a state where they are not afraid to show their true selves and explore the connection they have.

The Big Fat Wedding Blogger’s Photo Shoot – The Final Results & Video!


February 21, 2011

What do you get when you cross 6 wedding bloggers, The Wedding Photographer of the Year, London’s most stylish & gorgeous wedding boutique and a Hasselblad? Why, The Big Fat Wedding Blogger’s Photo Shoot of course! My inspiration for this shoot came from the fact that I had seen a lot of big brands in The States using fashion bloggers to model for and promote their new lines. I loved the idea and thought it could really work for the UK wedding market. After all, wedding blogs are the new wedding magazines right?! I approached Rachel at Wimbledon-based Luella's Boudoir if she’d be up for letting us run wild in her shop and thankfully she loved the idea!

Happy Valentine’s Day! The Big Fat Wedding Blogger’s Photo Shoot – Behind the Scenes Sneak Peek


February 14, 2011

So last Tuesday I headed up to Luella's Boudoir in Wimbledon to meet the all time UK wedding blogging greats. I'd had this little idea to organise a photo shoot with all my favourite wedding bloggers and some amazing suppliers (of course!) late last year and I was so excited to see it all pulled off. A lot of organisation went into this day and I'm so thrilled with how it all turned out. One word - EPIC!

Rock n Roll Bride TV – Episode Two ~ Rainbow Mermaid Hair & My Top 10 Blogging Tips


February 9, 2011

Oh. My. GAWWD... Sorry I had to get that out of my system there! I have literately just landed at home after hectic but fabulous couple of days in London. If you follow me on Twitter, then you'll already know that yesterday was "The Big Fat Wedding Bloggers Photo Shoot" (the name started as a joke, and as a homage to my favourite wedding show ever - My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding, but it's kind of stuck!). You see, I was pondering my next shoot at the end of last year and I thought, wouldn't it be great to get some of my blogging buddies involved too?

Magpie Vintage & The Rose Collection Exclusive Sneak Peeks from this week’s Photo Shoot of AWESOME!


February 3, 2011

I am mightily excited to share a few sneak peeks from this week's photo shoot. I was asked by the lovely Lisa & Tania of Magpie Vintage if I'd like to come and be their 'celebrity' (ha!) model for their latest (and in my opinion greatest!) promotional photo shoot. The pair are expanding their business from vintage jewellery to fashion! The Rose Collection launches in September 2011 and each piece is a lovingly created one off - reworked from genuine vintage articles - just like their jewellery that they've become so well known for. If you're interested in purchasing any of these stunning pieces then be sure to get in touch with them!