Rock n Roll Bride - The ultimate guide for alternative brides

Las Vegas

Epic Las Vegas Elopement: Ainsley & Sebastien


Janneke Storm

January 2, 2014

When I featured Ainsley and Sebestien's engagement shoot in September I dubbed it "the coolest engagement shoot to date". I was pretty sure that their wedding would be suitably kick ass too but nothing (and I mean nothing!) could have prepared me for this. While I was hanging out with their wedding photographer Janneke Storm in Queensland, she started to tell me more about their upcoming elopement in Las Vegas. I made her promise then and there to send me the photos to blog afterwards. Luckily for me (and you!) she did.

Las Vegas Drive Thru Wedding: Mike & Manda



June 25, 2013

Mike and Manda got engaged in Vegas, so it was only natural that they go back to actually get married too. They wanted a fun and laid back day with no stress at all. They kept things pretty simple and just had fun with it! "Because we had been to Vegas previously we knew how crazy, carefree and fun it was", Manda explained. "We wanted the same ideologies for our wedding so this was the perfect place for us to tie the knot. The whole day exceeded our expectations. We had time to reflect later on in the evening, whilst sitting back in our hotel room looking over the dancing neons on the strip drinking vodka. I think we suddenly realised we had just got married in Vegas - that was quite a defining moment. It was such a significant, romantic and awesome feeling in which everything just connected."

A Touch of Vegas: Chelsea & Mike


Gaby J

May 16, 2013

Chelsea & Mike wanted to marry in Las Vegas but without doing the typical cheesy Vegas wedding thing. So instead of being married by Elvis, they opted for a simple ceremony (not photographed) at Little Church of the West, followed by a photo session around downtown Vegas with photographer Gaby J. "Our wedding them was 'a touch of Vegas', explained the bride. "We didn't want to go all out with an over the top Vegas style wedding equipped with an Elvis pastor. So we opted for something more subtle. I had my blue suede shoes and my bridesmaids wore gold sequin dresses."

A Rockabilly Las Vegas Wedding: John & Marnie


August 13, 2012

Australian John & Marnie spent six weeks travelling around the US for their honeymoon after their wedding in Las Vegas. They were in town for the Viva Las Vegas Rockabilly Festival and they loved the idea of getting married there. The ceremony was held at Little Church of the West, a quaint little 'mini church' looking chapel, right at the south end of the strip and the after party was at Level 107 Cocktail lounge in the Stratosphere hotel - right at the north end!

An Alice in Wonderland Tea Party Wedding in Vegas: Tiffany & Ryan


March 27, 2012

After originally planning a massive wedding for nearly 300 guests, the stress all got too much for Tiffany & Ryan and they were forced to cancel the wedding. When it came to planning it for the second time, they decided to scale it all down and focus on what really mattered - them. "Three years ago I was planning a wedding inspired by what every magazine and television show told me it should be," Tiffany told me. "Like most couples, our guest list had exploded, tilting at nearly 300 people. The stress of pleasing everyone was becoming too much, we were way over budget and the fun was non-existent. My fiancé and I loved each other very much, but we both hated what getting married was doing to us. A few months prior to the wedding we suffered two personal tragedies back to back so we threw our hands up and called it quits. Less than three months prior to the big day we sent out cancellation notices to our guests. We lost nearly $25,000 in the process, and most of our sanity."

A Vegas Wedding in the Cosmopolitan Hotel Pop Up Chapel: Ashley & Jeremy


March 19, 2012

Ashley & Jeremy are wedding photographers so were in Las Vegas at the same time as I was for WPPI. After the Airplanes & Blazers party (which I was also at...!) Jeremy was sitting at a table with Patrick from StillMotion (while Ashley was off in the bathroom) and Jeremy was telling Patrick he would love to propose. Patrick encouraged him, telling him if he proposed and they got married while they were all still in Vegas, Patrick would shoot it! When Ashley returned, Patrick proposed, right there and then by saying "Will you marry me...on Wednesday?!" So just 36 hours later, they were married in the Pop Up Wedding Chapel at the Cosmopolitan Hotel with all of their best wedding photographer friends from WPPI watching.

The Desert & A Disco Tree: Danielle & Jose


March 14, 2012

Danielle & Jose are probably about the cutest couple I know. The first time I met them, at a party in LA last August, we spent the whole night huddled in the corner chatting about life, love, the universe and our mutual appreciation of British culture and photo booths! So when Danielle emailed me just before I left for Vegas to tell me they were going to be there are the same time I just about squealed with delight to be able to see my friends again.

Bright Lights, Late Nights, Shopping & Disco Trees…Why, It Must be a Las Vegas Round Up Post!


March 4, 2012

What time is it? What country am I in? How do I form sentences again...? Greetings. This morning's blog post comes from a head that still hasn't quite got back on UK time. It may have been a week since I landed back at Heathrow, but I'm still finding it hard to get back on track! However waking up at 2pm and going to bed at 4am could work for me I reckon... Those of you that follow me on Twitter or Facebook will have been lucky (or unlucky, whichever way you look at it!) to have been force-fed regular updates from my Las Vegas adventure over the past few weeks, but today I thought it necessary to put off getting back to work just a little while longer in order to share some of my favourite photos and fun times from Viva Las Vegas. I'm sure some of you are sick to death of hearing all about it already...sorry about that...but for the rest of you I hope you enjoy this extra epic extra huge post dedicated to one of my new favourite places, the city they call Sin...

Watch out America, The Pink One is Coming : Las Vegas Edition


February 12, 2012

So part two of my American Adventure™ is underway! Last August Gareth & I globe-trotted over to Omaha and LA, and this week I'm off to Las Vegas for 2 weeks! I'm heading out for the WPPI (Wedding & Portrait Photographers International) conference and as it's such a long way to go, Lisa, David & I thought we'd extend our trip into a little holiday too...oh do a photo shoot with Gala & Nubby! I am SO EXCITED. It's the first time in a long time that I will have been away from Gareth for such an extended period though...sad face. I hope he and the kittens don't destroy the house in my absence. Keep an eye him via his twitter would ya?