Rock n Roll Bride - The ultimate guide for alternative brides


Plucked From a Love Story


October 27, 2009

I actually can't get enough of Josephine Sicad's photography. Not only does each frame have that darling vintage tone to it, but every image just oooozes you can tell how much she adores her work from the photographs alone...does that make sense or am I rambling again? The images also have that 'cinematic quality that I've always adored, like the boys of MangoRED before her, Josephine's image appear as if they could have been plucked right from a movie about a love story. Go check out her Facebook Fan Page for more more more of this set! Thanks again to the ever lovely and wonderful Josephine for sharing these with me...I may be your new biggest fan! Credit: Josephine Sicad Photography

Lover’s Day Out


October 24, 2009

The gorgeous and ever lovely Josephine Sicad sent these over to me yesterday telling me the story of the engagement session of Yvon & Moyo. Remember her own engagement session that I featured a while back - Nobody Can Be Uncheered by a Balloon? (her own words) Well this one is just as glorious! The idea was 'A Lover's Day' a day in the life so to speak. I literally drooled as I checked these out. You will too! Thanks to the amazing Josephine for sending these over. It is always a joy to receive a n over excitable email from you! Credit: Josephine Sicad Photography

Intense. Elation. Ridiculous.


October 21, 2009

As soon as I laid eyes on James & Rebecca's Melbourne wedding I knew I wanted to blog it. However with photographer Jonas Peterson so in demand by wedding bloggers I thought for sure that someone had beaten me to it. So imagine my elation this morning when I received a tweet from Jonas who asked if I'd like to be the first to blog them...Well of course! The wedding took place at the 300m Eureka Tower in Melbourne which proved a challenge for their dear photographer who admits to having a fear of heights! The results are, of course, astounding. Quite apart from the intense photography - the details, her multi-layers dress in the most flattering dark white shade and the gorgeous venue - make this a wedding I am more than proud to share. Thanks to the ridiculously talented Jonas for sharing these...woooo!

Day to Night


October 20, 2009

Anna & Simon actually had two days to shoot their engagements with friend and photographer Steve Gerrard. They hit two locations which gave both sets a completely different look. First up was the quaint English town of Stratford-Upon-Avon (random fact of the day - where Shakesphere was born) and the second at The Custard Factory in Birmingham. I can't help but particularly love the night time/painting with light shots though - v. cool! Thanks to Steve for shooting these over to me.

Iron Fist


October 20, 2009

Texas seems to be right up there with the awesome couples right now. Not a day goes by when I'm don't receive an email which has winged it's way over here from Southern America...and of course today is no different. Jayme & Matt actually had their engagement session nearly a year ago with photographer Brandi Thompson but since then the couple both lost loads of weight and so wanted to celebrate with another one - who says one engagement session is enough? Don't you just adore Jayme's Iron Fist shoes too! I saw then in Schuh and tried them on myself - she rocks them more than I did though. Thanks to the lovely Brandi for sharing and the stunning Jayme & Matt for being so kick ass. Credit: Brandi Thompson Photography

Tinywater/Rock n Roll Bride Contest – The Results!


September 28, 2009

I have been waiting to see these photographs for what feels like a lifetime! Remember the fabulous Tinywater contest that ran in July? Well the gorgeous Erica & Richie won themselves a photo shoot with the ridiculously talented and lovely Caroline & Dan and {eeeek} they have just sent me the results...exclusive people exclusive! Prepare yourself for some serious awesomeness! I am honoured to have been involved in putting these guys together...hell without my little old blog these shoot would never have happened - how nuts is that!? Alrightly enough of my rambling...behold...mucho yumminess! Credit: Tinywater Photography

London in the 60’s


September 20, 2009

Remember this aaamazing wedding at Shoreditch House in London? Well my lovely friend Liz (like, real life friend not just online - we've been out for cocktails and everything!) just sent me this wedding at the same venue that she shot with Nadia Swindell this weekend. You might recognise the bowling! How fab is that - I wish I'd found a wedding venue complete with bowling lanes. Does this wedding just scream London in the 60's or what? The amazing and cute, short vintage dress and handmade veil were from uber cool boutique Fur Coat No Knickers. Anyway you're gonna love these so... Thanks for sending these to me Liz and we really need to stop being so rubbish and find some time for that shoot we planned! Credit: Eliza Claire Photography

The City Of London


August 27, 2009

Find your photographer through Rock n Roll Bride then it's pretty much a given that I'm going to totally love your wedding and wedding photography! That's exactly what Carolyn & Marc did and yep, I was right - stunning! The couple got married right in the centre of London - 'The City' as it's known. I love this part of town. My Dad works around here so I have fond memories of visiting him at his office when I was younger, marvelling at the huge and modern nature of landmarks like The Gherkin and The Lloyds Building vs. the ornate detail of the indoor Leadenhall Market (where Carolyn & Marc had their reception.) I remember my Dad once taking me into on of the bars in this area which to a 15 year old kid was very exciting! Be sure to head over to Marianne's blog for a much larger selection of images from this day! Thanks to Marianne for sending these to me and stay tuned for yet another amazing wedding - photographer sourced from this very site - later! Credit: Marianne Taylor Photography

Awesome Locations


August 25, 2009

Chad & Erin of Fuller Edge always choose the most awesome locations for their shoots. With Angel & Craig, who rocked their wedding with skull cufflinks, converse trainers, a pink wedding dress and adorable pink and green details (clicky here for the full set), Chad & Erin took them to a junkyard for these fab shots. I am loving the use of water and the texture in every single image. Wonderful! Thanks to Chad & Erin for sending these to me. I always adore their work! Credit: Fuller Edge Photography

When You’ve Got A (New York) Minute…


August 21, 2009

New Yorker David M had the oppotunity to shoot a gorgeous Polish couple on his home turf. He explains: My dear friend Adam Ludwik has spent over a month visiting America for the first time. He is one of Poland's best wedding photographers. You can see his work at his website and blog. Right before he left to photograph another lucky couple on Polish ground I had a chance to shoot his clients Agata and Alfonso right here - in our old good New York. We have visited a few very familiar locations and tried to put a new spin on them. As always, thanks to David for sharing these stunning images and speaking of New York, have you voted yet for your favourite's to win the 'we fell in love in NYC' contest yet? Boy, is it hotting up over there!

In The City


August 19, 2009

If you're having a English country garden themed wedding then what better way to celebrate your engagement than with a complete opposite in a Sex and the City style pre-wedding shoot!? I am loving all the wardrobe changes, especially that ruffly, ruched green dress - I have been swooning over it in Coast myself for the past few months! Thank you to the wonderful Julia Boggio for sending me these exclusive (woop woop!) images to share with you all. Credit: Julia Boggio Photography

Magical Meghan


August 7, 2009

Yep, Meghan's trash the dress/bridal shoot pretty much rocks. She actually had the session over a year after she married JP because she really wanted to do something a bit more 'outthere' in her dress (which is gorgeous by the way and made by Demetrios.) Her natural skills and comfort in front of the camera combined with her glorious wedding dress and awesome personality made for one of the most enjoyable shoots I’ve ever done. We started out in downtown SD on the prowl for some graffiti, we lucked out when we found an old parking lot with a sweet car and bright graffiti. She was willing to try whatever we suggested with a smile on her face the entire time (like hold a sign on the side of the freeway…..Meghan, did I mention I love you? It’s true). After downtown, we went to Ruby’s Diner where her and JP had their first date…..I remember walking through the mall where everyone was staring at us, and I ask Meghan, “do you feel uncomfortable with all these people staring and pointing?” her answer? “I LOVE IT!” Which made me love her. After Ruby’s we headed to our house for some night shots, where Meghan displayed her magical powers (check out the last picture and you’ll totally understand). Meghan and JP, we had such a great time with you and I can’t wait until we hang out again very soon. In the meantime, I’ll be watching for you on America’s Next Top Model!!!!! Credit: Studio Castillero

The Pretty Pretty Princess Look


August 6, 2009

Brady & Carrie got hitched at Bimbo's 365 Club in San Francisco. A retro/vintage affair, Carrie even designed her dress herself and had it made by Atelier Des Modistes, a quint little boutique on Russian Hill. Carrie described the experience of designing her own dress as nerve-wracking but totally worth it. She didn't even get to see what the dress would actually look like until the final week as all the fittings are done with muslin. She painted a wonderful picture when she described the fittings, Families walk by at night after dinner and I remember little girls with their nose pressed to the glass door watching me in my "gown". They had that "pretty pretty princess" look in their eyes. So sweet. Thanks to Jeremy for sharing this gorgeous wedding with us - we hope to see a lit more of his photographic gorgeousness on Rock n Roll Bride soon! Credit: Jeremy Harris Weddings

An Urban Fairytale


July 30, 2009

Hurrah! Part two of Caroline Ghetes' amazing vintage inspired bridal sessions is live! This second installment has a much more modern twist to it as Caroline wanted to show how vintage fashion can work in super modern, urban suroundings. She scoured Etsy for the majority of the gorgeous pieces to go in this shoot. The ever so popular 50's style tea dress was from ghmarketplace, the sparkly tulle veil was handmade with vintage material from the 1940's by Liaison, the pink and the peacock hairpieces were by Chamberry Cherry and finally the dramatic bouquet was actually made by Caroline herself. (Just in case you missed it, Part one is here) Thanks again to Caroline for sharing these with us. I am waiting with baited breath for the third and final installment!