Rock n Roll Bride - The ultimate guide for alternative brides

Cowboy Boots

Fancy Dress Cowboy Wedding: Leanne & Kristian


Marianne Chua

August 16, 2014

After a holiday to Nashville, Leanne and Kristian decided that a cowboy themed wedding would be right up their street. Their families weren't convinced at first but on the day everyone really got in the spirit and eEvery guest wore fancy dress! This was a truly DIY wedding with the couple doing practically everything themselves. The bride made her own dress (at the cost of just £80!), all the flowers were bought from a supermarket and the cupcakes were baked by the bride's sister.

Rustic Californian Park Wedding: Casey & Caitlin


Ryan Daley

January 21, 2013

Casey & Caitlin were married at Dos Picos Park in Ramona, CA. They wanted their wedding to be laid back, fun, but most of all very 'them'. "My inspiration was to keep things very us", began the bride. "Well actually, our theme was 100% Caitlin, with a splash of Casey thrown in here and there! I have been to weddings that are gorgeous and looked at hundreds on blogs and in magazines when looking for inspiration for our wedding. I have liked many of the things I've seen, but none of them were really right."

A Little Bit Country, A Little Bit Rock n Roll: Angela & Russ


September 21, 2012

Guitars, cowboy boots, a performance from the couple to round off the evening... what's not to love?! Angela & Russ were married in May and wanted their wedding to reflect them. The personal details started with the ceremony, where instead of a traditional unity service, they each bought a beer - one sweet and one bitter. The bitter was to symbolise the challenges they would face in life and the sweet for the sweet things they would share. They combined the two beers in a 'Redneck Wine Glass' "a Mason jar attached to a candle holder!" they explained.

A Recycled Wedding Fashion Shoot at Paramount Ranch


August 3, 2011

"The concept of this photo shoot was 'eco friendly + recycled wedding fashion for modern brides'," photographer Yuna Leonard writes. " Both of the dresses and the boots in this set were found at American Vintage store on Melrose, Los Angeles. I love that store!! I was in love with the ideas of recycling and reusing wedding fashion from days gone by - maybe from brides who were in your Mother's or Grandmother's generations. The dresses I bought were also very inexpensive { from $70 - $ 100. The boots were $50.} We fused this style with an idea for outdoor / backyard styled reception fashion as well. The mixed style of vintage + bohemian + western totally got me this time! Hope you enjoy it!"

A Crafty Vintage Wedding: Heather & Wil


July 20, 2011

Heather & Wil's crafty wedding was held at a friend's house, which just happened to be an ex-church and was big enough to house all their guests as well as looking quite impressive. They kept things simple, didn't have a bridal party and kept everyone fed and happy with a good old fashioned BBQ! "We did everything just how we wanted it," explained the bride. "We walked down the aisle together, didn't have a bridal party, only invited 35 people and were very happy with the results. The most important thing that happened that day was that I married the man that I have loved for almost 10 years, it wasn't about impressing or out-doing, it was about love and I think finding true love is pretty damn Rock n Roll!"

Tara & Travis’ Denim & Diamonds Wedding at The Burning Man Festival


March 2, 2011

Tara & Travis met at The Burning Man festival in 2007, so where better than to be wed than the very festival that brought them together? The ceremony, which they wrote themselves, took place under the Bliss dance statue in the middle festival and was performed by a close friend of the couple. The theme for the wedding was Denim and Diamonds/Cowboy Chic. The couple did everything themselves and due to the festival location, had very laid back attitude to the 'formalities' of a wedding, "We had a good old fashioned BBQ for everyone - no one was turned away" they explained.

Brandi & Chris’ Rustic Western Wedding


December 20, 2010

Brandi & Chris' DIY wedding has a rustic western theme. The day took place at Temecula Farmhouse in California, a venue that really reflected their theme idea perfectly. The couple and their families worked hard on their DIY elements to create a day that was perfect for them. Chris' Father did all the flowers and centrepieces. I love how they used cowboy boots as vases, what a unique idea to tie the theme together! Brandi's Mother made the cake and her Godfather got ordained so he could officiate the emotional ceremony which took place outside the farmhouse.

Dressing on the Side


May 31, 2010

Sometimes we all need a break from the world of wedding-madness and could do with a sit down to look at something beautiful, pretty and fun for no real reason than the fact that it's awesome. That's why I'm sharing this ridiculously cool 80's punk rock fashion editorial submitted by the super cool Galaxie Andrews. Galaxie (I can't get over how much I love her name) wanted to set up this shoot to help promote a local Arizona designer Donna from Dressing on the Side, who has an etsy store devoted to funky food-inspired tee-shirts. "We had a world-rocking team of designer, stylist, art director, models, all working together on this project making it completely awesome. donna even had a fashion designer cut up her shirts to give them a cool edge. We roamed around in our little western style old-town scottsdale, rented a horse carriage, ate ice-cream in an arcade, and played until sunset" Galaxie told me

A Bride in Boots


April 26, 2010

Oh Dan & Dayna you've made my day! What an awesome wedding and a fantastic story. I've been dying to share these all weekend! I knew this would be an awesome wedding in fact as soon a photographer Matthew told me that the bride was part of the Vaudeville Circus (you can see her in action here - far right in the white dress) "I wanted to have a rock-n-roll wedding that felt like Dan and I had our hands all over" explained Dayna "I spent a lot of time pouring over wedding blogs and getting inspiration from cool brides. I picked themes that we both loved like reading, hence the book center pieces and framed quotes from our favorite authors, Fall and the month of October (the colors and flowers), simple down home (and cheap!) mason jars as vases. All of our music the entire day was hand picked and never 'traditional': wedding procession we had our friend play the ukulele, bridal march was Cat Powers "Sea of Love" (followed by The Honeydrippers "Sea of Love" for our first dance), our walk as husband and wife was Joey Ramone's "Wonderful World". Our flower girls wore homemade tutu's, leotards and ballet slippers. We had a drawing after dinner with silly gifts of our life so far (a DVD of the first movie we saw, a pint glass from the restaurant where we met, a dvd of "It's a Wonderful Life" cuz we're nerds and watch it every year...). It was a rockin' day for sure!"

Holga, Music & Diy A-Plenty


April 22, 2010

Oh how I love a holga-photographed wedding! I can't help but applaud a couple who take the risk with such a camera...I tried my hand at holga photography a while back and promptly gave up! Katie & Kevin had a perfectly personal diy wedding. Katie loves crafting and so made everything, and I mean everything, herself. One of my favourite bits had to be the hand-dyed coffee filters used as hanging paper 'flowers'. She also made the felt bouquet and the groomsmen's custom cuff links herself too!

Old/New School Vintage Vogue


April 3, 2010

This scarlet-themed, soft, cool, old school/new school vintage session was sent over today by Jessika of December Photography. "I've been seeking clients who want something different " she told me. "I love experimenting and new ideas to channel my creativity. This engagement session had an old school/new school vintage theme. Outfits were organized only by colors. My vision was 'vogue meets nylon, and bring the chair'. I wanted some things to be out of place and clash, yet tie together beautifully in the end. While editing them, I kept with the vintage theme, de-saturated, vignettes, and warm/cool tones. The couple was very fun and up for anything, they made the pictures what they are!"