Photography Credit: Ophelia Photography (you can see the full vintage-inspired beautiful shoot here)
This week was one of those that hit me with a steam train of inspiration! I was lucky enough to meet a couple of people this week that I’ve wanted to for a while including Lisa Gratton of Ophelia Photography who is over in London for vacation (love her as much as I do her photography now!) and Thaoski.
Have you ever met someone and just thought ‘OMG we totally get each other?’ Yeah so that what happened to me this week. It was the first time we’d met and we pretty much gassed for 4 hours straight! In a nutshell Thaoski is an art director of incredible engagement shoots (I’ve featured one of them in the past here). She lives in a life of love stories, and through her work wants to share these stories in beautiful and creative ways. The shoots she directs (she isn’t a photographer but works closely with a number of photographers) are beautiful, evocative and unusual. She takes inspiration directly from the couple – what they love and how their live – and often bases the shoots on movies or places they visit. This lady is reinventing engagement photography and I’m so excited to see what she comes up with next.
Two weeks ago I had the pleasure of meeting Lisa Gratton of Ophelia Photography while she was over in London on vacation. Amongst many things, we spoke about Lisa’s desire to create something a little different and fun around her engagement shoots and this Batman-inspired session proves her point nicely!
Lisa told me how the groom, Darren, who was initially quite nervous in front of the camera really came to life as soon as he put on this Batman suit! Well it is every little boys dream to be a superhero isn’t it?
I have quite literally died and gone to vintage wedding heaven. This is one of those shoots, that as soon as I saw just one little sneak peak, I emailed the photographer right. that. second to demand to be able to feature them! The ever lovely Lisa of Ophelia Photography was of course more than willing to allow me to have my way with these, and boy am I excited to share. All you lovers of vintage fare are going to go just gaga.
Perched on top of stone angel in a Vintage Wedding Gown and a crown of baby pink flowers, Corrie is slipping, almost falling. But that doesn’t compromise her poise; she tries a funny face (very Audrey Hepburn)surprise and a cool couture profile as she lengthens her leg just so. I hold my breath and click my camera following her lead, she is pure magic.
I know I say this a lot but eeek I am so excited to share Vince & Amanda’s wedding. I have been lusting over it ever since Lisa of Ophelia Photography showed me a sneaky peak and the full wedding certainly lives up to my hype!
Is today the day of cute engagements or what?! This candy coloured shoot took place in a fun fair – what could be sweeter than a fun fair plus a big stick of candy floss and multi coloured walls to pose against?
When I read the email that Aaron & Jay send to their photographer when they enquired about her shooting their wedding I was smitten. I wonder why huh?!
“I love your photos and would be thrilled if you could shoot our wedding on July 17th of this year. We are planning a super fun, little bit retro and a little bit country wild and crazy with a whole lot of DIY elements party here in Vancouver. ps. I found you through Rock n Roll Bride (the best wedding blog in the world).”
Yeah…flattery really will get you everywhere. Aaron & Jay’s wedding is also completely stupendously rad …always helps when you want to get your wedding featured on these here pages!
The couple were married outside The Old Hastings Mill Store, which was one of the only buildings in Vancouver to survive the Great Fire of 1886. It is now located near Jericho Beach in Kitsilano. They were married with a view of the harbour, the boats and the mountains – bliss. For their reception they headed to Cambrian Hall.
The couple’s very first date was at Nikkyo Sushi on Main Street in Vancouver which just happened to be around the corner from their reception venue. So, for some fun wedding day pictures, the couple and their photographer Lisa headed out to have some sushi & beer. The couple also served sushi from Nikkyo Sushi at their reception!
Aaron wore a custom made dress from Dolly Couture and accessories from Farmer’s Daughter on Etsy. To compliment her outfit, her bridesmaids wore polkadot 1950s style dresses and they all had different coloured petticoats underneath. How gorgeous is that?!
Well my dears, 2009 had been pretty damn awesome in Rock n Roll Bride Land and if you haven’t yet then you totally have to check out my yearly review – part one and two – my favourite features of the past 12 months. “But what about the past 7 days!?” I hear you cry. “What have I missed whist I was opening my pressies, eating too much food and spending an untoward amount of time with my family?”‘ Well don’t fret my loves, although blog-land has been a little on the slower side I’ve still been here, scouring the interwebs to bring you the best of the Christmas week’s internet fun.
Lisa of Ophelia Photography not only captured this wedding as beautifully as she always does, but as the couple were some of her best friends she was also a Bridesmaid – multi tasking or what?
The boots, the flowers, the Bridesmaid dresses, the skate park, the rockstar photo shoot…I love it all!
Lisa described the day on her blog: The say good things come to those who wait, and these two waited 11 years for their wedding day. It was perfect in every-way and I was honored to take part in the celebration as both the photographer and bridesmaid. I believe it was my most challenging wedding to date, as I was swept up in the emotions of the day and having to relinquish control of only shooting about 50 % of the photos. My beautiful and lovely dear friend of 24 years (we met in preschool at age 4) was drop dead gorgeous and anyone in her presence on that day felt the magic. The magic being that after 11 years they were getting married and celebrating their love in front of close family and friends.
As Enya played we waiting by the bridge prepared to walk down the aisle to stand presently for Jen and Rich. As I watched Jen coming down the aisle and Richard watching her…. I was done. Oh the tears….their tears, the happiness, the moment, was like a dream. Jen and Rich were radiating with happiness. All of there parents were radiating with happiness….11 years of happiness. It was awesome!
I just got an uber sweet email from the super fabulous Lisa of Ophelia Photography (she took these stunning photographs remember?)
She said “Looks like your still rocking your way in the hearts of many photographers.” Bless her!
I adore sharing as much photographic genius as I possibly can every single day (hence the million posts a day..oops!)
It makes me happy to know everyone is appreciating what I’m doing and I’m not just an actual wedding obsessive loser posting it all for myself! engagements from Lisa is what it’s all about today..and on a motorbike – rock on!
Lisa from Ophelia Photography is officially fabulous. It must help that she gets to shoot such gorgeous and super cool couples! Check out this new wedding…arrgh I love it!
I love a good hair piece..I would never leave the house without some random creation in my pink barnet – whether that be a inconspicuous little hello kitty clip, a big massive bow or my little green top hat!
So when the fabulous Lisa of Ophelia Photography send these my way, how could I say no – awesome photography + amazing hair stuff…two of my most favourite things rolled into one!
You really should check out Adorn Atelier’s fan-bloody-tastic collection of hair accessories..I am a little bit in love with it all!
For most of you, your wedding and impending marriage is probably the biggest, most life changing thing you have ever done right? But what happens next?
I’m not talking about the post-wedding depression you might read about elsewhere, but the question that will crop up as soon as you become a Mrs (or Mr!) “So, will we be hearing the pitter patter of teeny tiny feet soon?”
As a newlywed myself (can I still be considered a newlywed after nearly a year!?) I get this question constantly..which is fine, it’s to be expected, but I’m 25 for goodness sake…and I just bought a very fast car (hehe I had to get that one in there!) which although it is roomy is probably not the most suitable form of transport for a child…and I’m all about my cat, Akira right now.
There is loads out there on the world wide web about babies and all the jazz…probably as much as, if not more than stuff about weddings. Yet, as with weddings, you very rarely hear from the man’s perspective. However Marcus is trying to change that. He has just started a blog called Terrified Dad – what a brilliant name! Want to read all about how scary babies are? Well head right over there!
Seriously, babies do terrifyme, and don’t get me started on the whole pregnancy thing…so just to lighten the load I thought I’d better illustrate this post with a the most non-scary photograph I could find..balloons!
Oh how I love the Internet, without it I would never find such gorgeous couples like this to share..what a stunning engagement shoot, and a stunning couple. You’ve gotta love the see-through umbrella too, what an awesome prop!
Bright and early Tuesday morning, Gala and Shauna arrived in the UK. Since then we’ve been keeping things relatively low key, spending most of our time here, drinking tea and watching Paris Hilton’s British Best Friend (don’t ask!) The real madness starts tomorrow though and doesn’t stop until the first week of August!
We teach the London Blogcademy class this weekend, followed by another during the week and then host our first ever mixer event on the 24th! I’m so excited about the latter and I’m currently running a contest to give away a pair of tickets. I’d love to see your face there. Come on, don’t be shy…
Last week I also finally took the plunge and bought myself a new camera. I’ve been using a Canon 500d with a 50mm lens for the past few years. It’s a great SLR but it’s just so cumbersome that I would never want to carry it with me. After hearing amazing things about the new Samsung NX3000 I knew I had to have one. It’s lightweight, easy to throw in my bag and comes with removable lenses. It also has some pretty nifty features like being able to transfer the images straight to my phone over it’s built in wifi – whoa magic! – and the ability to take selfies by winking (that’s a blogger’s dream right there!) Expect to see a lot more self-shot photos around these parts…
This week has been really quiet online, hence the slightly shorter edition this week. I guess everyone’s been out enjoying the sunshine!
“We styled the whole shoot ourselves using items from eBay (and of course the Rock n Roll Bride notebook,” photographer Jaye of Tux & Tales Photography told me. “We decided we would do a few styled shoots ourselves on a shoestring budget. I think it is a great way to show brides that they can have a fun and fab style with a little pocket change and a lot of elbow grease. I hope you enjoy my ultra-rad millinery. Picture me sitting on the living room floor, feathers flying everywhere whilst my cat tries to run off with the hat in his mouth every time I turn around to get another feather. The bouquet I made myself out of crepe paper. Boo (our model) is a burlesque performer so she did her own hair & make up!”
“As for inspiration – we were really dedicated to a shoot which was going to demonstrate the beauty of the North,” Jaye continued. “Although we had a brief stint in Essex, we are really Northerners at heart and I wanted to do something fun and sassy that shows Yorkshire at its best. The photos taken in front of Drax (the coal fire plant) are particularly special to me. People often complain about the North of England being ‘too industrial’ but that is exactly what we love about it. There is something so optimistic about industry. The big factories are where hard working people go to create the fabulous things we use and eat every day.”
“We stopped and took the pictures with your amazing little planner when we were on our way to the power plant shoot. We were at a park near our house and there are a few really rad, grotty little buildings which we thought made a pretty Rock n Roll backdrop. Ever the northern lass, Boo only needed to be told ‘act like a rockstar’ and I just had to be around to press the button!”
Credit: Stuart Mitchell / Walnutwax
Model: Laura Meekums (Photo used with the permission of the photographer. Please do not use this image without his permission)
Are you kidding me? Is it actually nearly march already? C-c-c-razy! OK Thursday Treat fans..saddle up and prepare yourself for another 7 days worth of internet pretties…
Ooooh I’m pretty sure the internet has been oozing awesomeness just so I could include it all in my Thursday Treats this week! Behold this special bumper issue of tastiness – I couldn’t leave anything out. Here are some of this week’s yummiest morsels…