Rock n Roll Bride - The ultimate guide for alternative brides

Short Dress

Candy Anthony, Cupcake Tattoos & Pink Converse Trainers


September 27, 2010

Some eagle-eyed and long-term readers may recognise Nicola, who's 'Do It Yourself' wedding I featured way back in May 2009. Nicola decided that she wanted to rock her gorgeous Candy Anthony wedding dress just one more time, so got in touch with photographer Caroline to see what she thought. Luckily, when Caroline heard 'Candy Anthony, cupcake tattoos and pink Converse trainers' she was totally up for it and they planned this fun and fashionable shoot. Caroline also persuaded Nicola to bring a few more outfit changes (does this girl just live in gorgeous 1950's style dresses or what!?) and they were good to Rock n Roll!

Jill & Neil’s Vintage “Englishness” Wedding


September 22, 2010

Jill & Neil's wedding is vintage "Englishness" in every sense of the word. The whole day - from Jill's floral Fur Coat No Knickers vintage gown, to the London bus that transported them and the personalised vintage postcards used as invitations and then re-used as the table-plan - was an authentic representation of the theme they loved so much. "We took vintage inspiration from our own families, finding old frames in charity shops for lots of photographs of our parents, grandparents and great-grandparent's weddings," they told me. "These filled the fireplaces of the Lodge and meant we were surrounded by reminders of our ancestors as well as being beautiful pictures. Also, to entertain our guests on our bus trip we had a picture quiz to guess who the couples in the old photos were - with the answers on the back of the original at the venue. These were in bags made by a charity from recycled newspapers from The India Shop and we also included bus related gifts to keep the children amused - mostly from the London Transport Museum, and old fashioned sweets and goodies. On the tables we used luggage labels from the Post Office for place names, which my nieces helped stamp with butterflies and tied to mini jars filled with old fashioned sweets from Hope and Greenwood."

Messing About on the River with Joanne Fleming Designs


September 13, 2010

I wanted to start this sunny and bright Monday morning with a bit of dress 'porn' for you all. Who doesn't adore looking at pastel colours, short hems and gorgeous attention to detail - all perfectly modelled by a stunning rockabilly-esque model? Exactly. The dresses are all designed and made by Brighton based, Rock n Roll Bride favourite Joanne Fleming. They are (in order of appearance) Clothilde, Audrey and Pieretta. Joanne also made the pretty damn stunning headpiece to go with the Pieretta dress. I am a particular fan of this dress in fact - made from metallic silk organza, it has the wonderful quality of tarnishing slightly over time, so the dress starts to look properly vintage very quickly.

An Elephant, Vegan & Love Themed Celebration


August 24, 2010

This elephant themed, vegan love-fest wedding makes me so happy! Abigail & Zak actually got married last October so this wedding was really a celebration of their love and partnership involving all their friends & family. "We wanted it to have a theme of elephants, loyalty, and compassion" they told me. !That's why we had the paintings of our parents there and also why our "favors" were gifts bought from heifer international (bees and trees) in our guests' honor. The most important part of our vision was that we were already married last October, so we didn't want to pretend this was something it wasn't. We wanted it to be a celebration of our partnership, and our friend who introduced us was our celebrant at the party. We did our vows in the past tense, and most importantly, we wrote and read our marriage manifesto about what partnership and marriage means to us."

Megan & Kevin’s Budget Conscious, Family Friendly, DIY Heavy Day


August 17, 2010

You might remember Megan from her Historic Firehouse Bridals that I featured a few weeks ago. I loved them so when her photographer Erica of Turner Creative Photography sent me the photographs of her and Kevin's wedding, I couldn't wait to share them on these pages. Even more so in fact when I found out their day was an all-out budget diy fest - one of my favourite types of weddings! I also knew that Megan hadn't worn her actual wedding dress for her bridal shoot so I couldn't wait to see what she's chosen too.

Laura & Harry’s Locally Sourced, Eco-Friendly, Midsummer’s Nights Dream, Vintage & Totally Rock n Roll Wedding


July 26, 2010

Excuse me one second while I scream "EEEEEEEK!" at the top of my lungs, because that's exactly how I felt when I first saw Laura & Harry's eco-friendly, vintage-heavy, Rock n Roll inspired backyard wedding. Oh yes, I really do love to feature true Rock n Roll Bride weddings - ie weddings of those that I was able to help and inspire with my little blog. Laura & Harry actually found their fabulous photographer Rosie Parsons and Laura's gorgeous vintage Fur Coat No Knickers dress after seeing them on the site. Yey!

The Italian Way – A Classic & Stylish Rock n Roll Tuscany Wedding


July 10, 2010

Mike & Laura's wedding excites me as not only did it take place in Tuscany, Italy but they found their photographer JMCL Photography through Rock n Roll Bride! Yesssss. The couple are originally from Australia and chose the beautiful old town of Lucca in Tuscany to get married. Being abroad, the wedding was a very small, personal and intimate one with only their closest family and friends in attendance. The wedding was also a very laid back one - the couple arrived in the town the night before and did a lot of arranging on the spot. That's the Italian way to do it!

1950’s Diner-Style Charm


July 8, 2010

Holy 1950s wedding awesome Batman! I love it when a couple really get into a theme and do it so well - so well in fact that their photographer Al Overdrive even dressed up as a 1950's style reporter (photo below) Michelle & Craig got married in style at Stradey Park Hotel, Llanelli, Carmarthenshire, Wales. Everything screams 1950s retro rockabilly charm - from the pink Cadillac and the diner style grub (giant hotdogs, create your own burgers, fries, waffles, pancakes, ice cream sundaes, Oreo cheesecake!) to the Vivienne Westwood shoes (of which I will never tire) and Michelle's custom 'Beverlywood' Dolly Couture dress.

Historic Firehouse Bridals


July 7, 2010

Do you remember Megan & Kevin's 'Oh so adorable' engagement session that I posted last Autumn? Well when their photographer Erica heard that Megan was going to have a short wedding dress she couldn't wait to do a bridal shoot with her too. They originally planned to have the session in a chocolate factory bur at the last minute decided to an historic firehouse in Springfield, Missouri. Megan put together and styled the shoot herself with a dress from Delia's (which isn't going to be her actual wedding day dress - she's got another short dress to wear too though!) flowers that she put together herself, a cute birdcage veil from PinMeUpCouture on Etsy and Mootsie's Tootsies shoes from Ebay which only cost her about $20!

A Diy-Heavy, Cotton Candy-Eating, Vivienne Westwood-Wearing, Jeans-Definitely Allowed, Handmade, Carnival Themed Wedding


July 3, 2010

Jess & Bryan's is my favourite kind of wedding. I love the fashion, I love the style, I love the amazing diy touches and the whole chilled out and creative vibe of the day. "We really wanted usto be present in everything that was a part of our day" the couple told me. "We tried to make, and do, as much as we could for our wedding. This meant enlisting the help of our talented and wonderful friends and family to make paper cupcake toppers, straw flags, escort cards, wooden signs and much, much more! We all got together the day before the wedding to set up the entire tent and yard and then relaxed with a night of BBQing and laughing.

A Non-Vanilla, Love-Filled, 1950’s Delight


June 21, 2010

An excitable email from a newly married reader always brightens my day and LeeAnn's may have been one of the most excitable I've received in a while! I just had to share the story behind her and husband David's gorgeous 1950's influenced wedding with you today. "After gorging my eyes on a ga-jillion bridal mags and internet images, I felt I was living a white-out groundhog day" LeeAnn began. "I quickly became downhearted about organising my own BIG DAY, the no-fun casting my eye over "traditional" gowns (this one? no, that one? no, repeat), the vanilla-ness of invites, pink-and-white themes to the power of 42,000! Where did the love go?"

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun!


May 26, 2010

I love this shoot because not only does it look like it was a mountain of fun, but the girls that put it together are the best of friends - make it even more adorable methinks! Photographers Michelle & Hanssie had the idea for this 'retro cars and vintage dresses' shoot and enlisted the help of a bunch of their industry friends to help them. The venue, a car museum called Astor Classics Events Center, had been thinking about opening it's doors for weddings and receptions so the shoot provided the perfect opportunity for some publicity...didn't the shots turn out great? I know I'd love to get married there - what a load of awesome locations for photo ops!

City Chic Fashionista Wedding


May 19, 2010

Lee & Rose got married in Liverpool in a super duper stylish way. Rose's outfit is literally off-the-hook! Have you ever seen a bride look so damn funky? Plus (and you're going to love this) it is all from the British high street! Be sure to check out the full list of where each item was found after the photographic goodness. I am just mad about those tights... "There was no real theme as such, but the sort of couple we are means that we wanted something relaxed, informal and fun" Lee , the groom, told me "We wanted a simple wedding, we wanted to wear the outfits we wanted, we wanted to pay for everything ourselves, and more importantly, we wanted our friends and family to come and have a good time, not feel like they had to behave in a manner they normally wouldn't, i.e. no strict seating arrangements, not worrying about which knife to use to cut the bread roll, etc. We're not show-offs, and we're not millionaires, and we have our own sense of style, so we couldn't see the point in all this so-called 'traditional' excess that means the marriage starts off with £30,000 worth of debt! It just wouldn't be us.”