Rock n Roll Bride - The ultimate guide for alternative brides

Guest Posts

Alternative Wedding Songs For Loved-Up Weirdos

Guest Contributor

Love & Adventures

August 28, 2017

Lame wedding music gives us the sads. It's not easy to find love songs that stand out from typical lovey-dovey wedding crap. If it's not teeth-rotting candy, it's done-to-death repeats from internet wedding song lists. If you've got an allergy to clichéd wedding songs, you'll find the antidote here. Startling as it may seem, there are plenty of interesting wedding songs if you know where to look. We've put together a list of quirky, alternative and authentic songs for daring lovers. It’s taken some intensive research and lot of late night wine and dancing, but it was worth it. We hope you enjoy folks, and there’s a spotify playlist to make your life easier.

Self Esteem, Body Confidence and Learning to Love Yourself


June 26, 2015

If you've been reading my blog (or following me on Instagram!) for a while you'll probably have already heard of Gala Darling. Not only is she one of my best friends, but I've been raving about her, and her message of Radical Self Love, for quite some time! I first discovered her blog in early 2009 (check out my adorable fangirling) but it wasn't until happenstance enabled us to meet IRL a few years later that I knew we were kindred spirits. There are just some people you meet who instantly light up your life and make the world seem like a more positive, happier place. Gala does this for me every single day and I'm so honoured to call her my friend.

What’s Your USP?

Lisa Devlin

Millie Benbow

November 5, 2013

These days it seems that branding is the hot topic within the wedding industry, especially for photographers. We certainly discuss it quite a lot at Photography Farm and we are very lucky to have photographer's brand expert Melissa Love join us to share her expertise. When I first started shooting weddings, brand simply wasn't an issue. It was enough to take good photographs and make sure that you were found in the right places. However there has never been more wedding photographers competing against each other for potential business, so of course branding can be one of the elements that can help us to stand out.

Seven Easy Tips For Creating an Amazing About Page Inspired by Online Dating

Lisa Devlin

Devlin Photos

September 10, 2013

Almost every photographer I know hates writing their About Me page. I confess, I used to be the same. I can merrily write about anything else but writing directly about myself makes me C R I N G E. I’m putting a cushion over my head now just thinking about it. If you feel the same then think about it this way… your About Me is just like an online dating profile. You're trying to attract potential clients - but more than that, the ideal match of client for you.

Why I’m NOT Giving Up…..

Lisa Devlin

Alexa Loy

August 20, 2013

Sheesh, I have recently seen sooooo many rants on the internet from photographers giving up because they find it too tough to cut it as a wedding photographer or they are sick of competing with the newbies who "under cut their prices/ don't know what they're doing/ use vintage processing/ are ruining the industry". So here is my two pennies worth... first up a little history, I started working as a photographer in the early 1990s first in music and then from 2000, the majority of my work has been in weddings. I am still as thrilled to earn my living in this way as I ever was, still as excited about each and every job, from the simple engagement shoot I did in the sunshine on Brighton Beach last night, to the recipe book I shot with an acclaimed chef that is due for release soon. I will NEVER tire of taking photographs or being in such a privileged position that people trust me to record their memories on one of the most important days of their lives. I will always be on a quest to take THE perfect photograph that sums up a wedding day.

Addicted to the Busy

Lisa Devlin

Devlin Photos

June 6, 2013

Are you always busy? When that group email or Facebook event invite gets sent your way, are you never able to go because you have to work? Weddings are a weird industry, everyone knows that you work a lot of weekends but then it is also expected that you are contactable first thing Monday morning. If your marketing campaign has been successful and the bookings are healthy, you may well find that suddenly weeks and weeks are stretching in front of you with no proper break. Every wedding you take on has a significant amount of admin and for us photographers, there is that mountain of post production. Throw in a few double or even triple header weekends and that mountain can quickly become Everest.