Rock n Roll Bride - The ultimate guide for alternative brides

Old Post

Top 20 Rock n Roll Weddings


September 24, 2009

Although I officially started Rock n Roll Bride in 2007 when I was planning our wedding, it is really only in the last few months that it has gained momentum and really taken off. I was going though my back catalogue today and I realised that I have posted so many amazing weddings that may not ever be seen my new readers. This is a travesty indeed as some of these amazing weddings don't even have any comments. So behold - my top 20 old posts that you simple must go back and see...

Our Wedding


December 17, 2008

The time has come..I'm going to start the huge job of attempting to rebuild the old blog. The posts will no doubt be briefer than before, as not only has the tempo and direction of Rock n Roll Bride moved on since these old posts but also it's going to take hella long time - just the best of the best will make the new and improved Rock n Roll Bride! Let's start with the stuff surrounding our own wedding, back in April 2008 - shall I re-do the wedding report I wrote? If you want it I can re-post it as I managed to recover a lot of the text on the old blog. But right now I'll just begin with some of our favourite photographs from the day taken by our fabulous wedding photographers English Rose Weddings.