This morning I posted in our private Facebook group checking in with everyone and asking if there was anything particularly worrying people right now. Overwhelmingly, the responses were that there was a general feeling of anxiety and apathy about having to postpone and re-plan their weddings. I figured if that’s going on in there, it’s probably going on out here too, so I did something I haven’t for a very long time and sat down to write and publish a blog post in real time!
Here’s my advice if you’re feeling very anxious and stressed out, or if all the excitement of planning your wedding has all but disappeared right now:
I read once that depression is thoughts about the past and anxiety is thoughts about the future – neither of which you can control. The only thing we CAN control is what happens here and now, in this moment. Anxiety robs you of feeling good right now and the things you’re worrying about may not even happen! I know it’s not as simple as waving a magic wand and those feelings go away, but realising this a while back really helped me reframe how I let my anxiety control me.

I’m sure you are doing everything you can to make sure that your wedding goes ahead on your new date, so trust in yourself and your suppliers. Write lots of lists (to get those stresses out of your head – this is especially important if you’re struggling to sleep because you keep going over things in your head) and if something out of your control DOES happen (like having to postpone your wedding again), well, its literally out of your control so try your hardest to stop worrying about it. You got this!!
If you’re feeling bored, apathetic or kind of numb about the whole wedding planning thing – can you plan something else to look forward to right now? If your wedding has been postponed for example, you may have a long time to just sit around and wait for it to happen. What else could you look forward to? A mini break? A new house project? It’s OK to not be a super excited bride all the time. That’s not realistic, even if you DIDN’T have a worldwide pandemic to deal with.

It’s also very, VERY normal to feel reflated about it all right now too. Take a break from wedding planning for a few months and come back to it when you feel excited about it again. And if you don’t… well, elope! Being married at the end of it is the most important thing, right? It’s your wedding and the best part of being a rock n roll bride is that YOU MAKE THE RULES. Plan your day in a way that makes you feel excited, whatever that looks and feels like to you right now.
- Photography: Lior Rotstein
- Outfits & Styling: Lee Kodo
- Hair & Makeup: Yael Eitan