A Great Adventure: Colorado Motorbike Elopement with All Black Everything

Adventure Instead

January 25, 2020

Chris and Kate knew even before they got engaged that they didn’t want a big wedding; instead they wanted a day focused on them and their love, and to rid themselves of all the stress and craziness that comes with wedding planning! When Kate’s mum sadly passed a few weeks before she and Chris were due to get wed, it made them really take stock on what was important, and they ended up cancelling most things they had planned and just went with what felt right.

In May 2019, Kate and Chris rode a Triumph Bonneville from Boulder to the Great Sand Dunes in Colorado, stopping along route to take in the breathtaking surroundings and for photo ops. They were joined only by their dear friend and photographer, Amber, who had also been monumental in getting the couple together; it was only right that she was the one to photograph their day.

The both y wore all black; it’s what they like to wear the rest of the time, so why would their wedding day be any different?! The first big wedding decision they made was an important one; to wear matching Converse, of course. Kate had a black diamond ring, and Chris chose a wedding watch. “Chris is very into watches so we decided if I got a special ring then he should get a special wedding watch, we will cherish both of these forever.”

As you can self-solemnise in Colorado, Chris and Kate didn’t have an officiant to conduct their ceremony; they read personal vows to one another in the middle of the empty Great Sand Dunes, and transcribed them into Apollo Mission themed field-note books; “The Apollo Mission holds a sentimental place in Chris’s life and the full moon a special place in mine, so we wrote in each other’s books—something we will cherish forever.” They also had a custom license plate made for the motorcycle with their wedding date on it, that they also have as a momento of their day.

While on the day, everything that could go wrong, did (the weather was unexpectedly cold, everyone ended up with a sickness bug and their AirBnB ended up being so dodgy they had to call the police!) they wouldn’t change a thing.

“We loved planning our day and eloping, and it was super special to me that my mum had a huge helping part in the planning process,” said Kate. “She, and my dad, were our biggest supporters in making the day truly about us, and I know it brought her so much joy to be involved in making that a reality for us. My advice for futures brides and grooms is to do what YOU want – don’t let family or friend dictate that for you. This is your day, and it’s all about you and your partner. If they love you they will support you in your decision.”
