Rock n Roll Bride - The ultimate guide for alternative brides

Short Dress

Been Done? Who Cares?


July 8, 2009

You know this about me already but I'm a huge activist for being yourself on your wedding day, however crazy, out there or even mundane (oh yes) that may be. As all the veteran readers will know, I ran a contest for free wedding photography a while back, and have now gotten to know our winners pretty well. I was chatting to the Bride to be, Vana, on the phone the other day for no joke, literally an hour about all things wedding (jeez that gal can talk he he!) and I'm sure she won't mind me telling you this, she was running a few of her newest wedding ideas by me to ask my opinion as to whether I thought they had 'been done' (for some reason she thinks I must be some kind of expert on such things…) I said this to her, and on her recommendation I am now going to say this to all of not worry about tack, or about being over the top or if something you really want seems to be springing up everywhere in blog-land, and has therefore ‘been done’. Just remember this teeny tiny pearl of wisdom…Your guests won't have been scoring the Internet looking for wedding ideas for the last year so will have no idea if something has 'been done' or not! To me, our wedding was not completely nuts. We kept it quite simple with a black and white theme and a few personal touches, but we had so many people saying to us it was the most stylish and cool wedding they had ever been too...they hadn't spent the last year looking at other people's weddings and comparing themselves after all! So don't doubt yourself... Are you lusting after that cute Stephanie James Couturedress but are worried that in 10 years time the cute short dress look will look as dated as the poofy sleeved meringues of the 80’s? Pah, if I got married in the 80’s I would have wanted to remember the 80’s…2008 was the greatest year of my life and I want to remember that year through my wedding pictures. Have you have been dying to have cupcakes as your wedding cake ever since you started planning your wedding, but are worried because now everybodyseems to be doing it? Well a lot of people that are getting married may be yes, but everybody in the entire world?...erm no. Are you worried that your wedding isn’t cool enough because you spend all day looking at weddings that seen so much crazier/chicer than yours? (You are not alone by the way, I felt the exact same thing) You are more likely to regret planning a wedding in a style that wasn’t really ‘you’ than one that perfectly matches you and your fiancé’s tastes. So quit stressing about what other people will think and just do it already...and then send me the photographs afterwards! Now for a couple of trends I love and therefore don't care if they've 'been done'. Let me know if I've missed any of your favourites!

Chivalry Isn’t Dead


July 8, 2009

Whoa what a lot of votes we've had for the Tinywater contest winners so far! That is amazing - and only 1 day down! I held off posting yesterday to give the voting the best chance at the top spot so I now have some catching up to do. Check out this Anglo-American wedding, where the American Groom even did the right thing and asked the Bride's parents permission to ask for their daughter's hand in marriage. Cute! Thanks to Solaria for sharing this wedding.

Style And Silliness


July 6, 2009

Last post for today... this just landed in my inbox and oooh how pretty and fun these are. Anthea & Andrew started their wedding celebrations with a low key country style rehearsal meal complete with Anthea in a super cute gingham print dress, which lead nicely in to their vintage style wedding day, where Andrea's personal sense of style took centre stage again. Her beautiful dress was re-created from her Mother's wedding dress, and who can't but smile when they see the photographs of the couple with the crazy straw-glasses!? Jessica, these are fabulous. Thank you so much for sharing! ps tonight is your last chance to get involved with the Tinywater contest. I have the near-impossible task of choosing only 3 finalists now..eeek it's going to be really hard! Come back tomorrow to see who I pick, and to vote for your favourites to win!

Cutting Edge


July 6, 2009

One of the perks of my 'job' as a blogger is that I get to meet so many fabulous photographers, not only online but in real life (seriously I do leave my computer sometimes.) A few weeks ago I arranged a mass meet up of some of the best London-based photographers and was lucky enough to meet Russian born Zhanna Malaya. Now finally I get to share some of her stunning images with you. There is something about those Russians - their photography always looks so cutting edge, fresh and clean..I adore it, and I adore this cute cute couple.

The Language Of Love


July 2, 2009

Rock n Roll Bride seems to be going all continental today, Ukrainian photographer Nikolay Kucan is up next. Due to the whole language barrier thing I'm afraid I don't know anything about this wedding, but when Nikolay sent me an email with just a link to these images I still felt them worthy of a post. I love her cute short/long dress, the picturesque town location (is it just me or does it almost look like a movie set?!) the fairytale feel of the photographs in the woods and the Bride rocking out with buskers on the street. They look like they had an absolute blast... I only wish I could share more with you.

Utterly Sweet Weddings


June 24, 2009

I have a couple of gorgeous sets from Sweet Monday Photography to share with you today, starting with the stunning, rustic wedding of Naama & Greg. What drew me to this wedding straight away was Naama's beautifully simple and cute dress but what kept me going through all the photographs was all the gorgeous little details they put into their day. The couple were married at Heritage Square Museum in Los Angeles and Neema got her dress from Ebay, oh yes! It was a real family affair with all the flowers coming from her Mum's garden and her sister Melissa makingall the stationary. The couple also put all the favours and table numbers together themselves. The result is a completely gorgeous DIY soiree!