A Brand New Way To Honeymoon: Blind Experiences

March 30, 2018

Now I don’t know about you, but when I book a holiday I LOVE to research everything: All the best places to eat, the sites to see, and find out what the weather will be like so I know what to bring. Gareth, on the other hand, tends to leave packing to the last possible second, and doesn’t like to do much research, preferring to be surprised when he arrives somewhere. But what if I told you you could go on a holiday with your partner and BOTH know nothing about where you were going or what you were doing until you got there?

Introducing: Blind Experiences – a brand new way of holidaying!

The best thing about doing a honeymoon like this is that you’ll both have that same feeling of excited anticipation about what might be in store for you. Remember how you used to feel as a kid on Christmas morning, wondering what Father Christmas might have got you?  It’ll be just like that! You’ll wake up everyday wondering what you might be doing in the next 24 hours, but all with the peace of mind that someone else has carefully planned and organised everything on your behalf. Let’s be real, you have enough to plan with the wedding itself, take the stress out of organising the honeymoon too and let Blind Experiences do it all for you!

And you won’t be doing just be the usual tourist trail stuff too. Blind Experiences pride themselves on creating personalised itineraries for all of their holidaymakers filled with unconventional activities, hidden gems and roads less travelled.

Surprise is what keeps life interesting. It stimulates our imagination and keeps us on our toes, creating profound memories we’ll cherish forever. It also means you’ll get to experience new things that you might not have ever organised for yourself. And you’ll be doing it all together, on your first holiday of married life. Quite frankly, I cant think of anything more perfect.

Here’s how it works:

Step 1: Instead of booking your holiday in the usual way, contact Blind Experiences directly, letting them know your preferred travel dates, departure airport and budget.

Step 2: Next, they’ll ask you a series of questions to help them put together the most amazing holiday that you’re sure to love. Are you more of a beach person or a city break kinda couple? Do you like adrenaline sports or do you prefer cultural experiences? Are you happy to move around a lot or would you prefer to stay in one place for the entirety of your trip? They’ll ask about your passions, your previous travel experiences, and what your dream holiday looks like. They’ll get you to fill in a short questionnaire, schedule a Skype call and they’ll even speak to your friends and family to find out more about what kind of person you are and the things you love (and hate!) Rest assured, Blind Experiences go above and beyond to plan a vacation that they think you’ll really, really love!

Step 3: 20 days before you will receive a WHAT TO BRING LIST of essential items to pack on top of a normal 2/3 weeks holidays. A week before you will receive a very exciting package in the mail – ten sealed envelopes containing all the secret details of your trip as well as your travel documents. Whatever you do, don’t ruin the surprise and open them all at once! Resist the temptation, it’ll be worth it!

Step 4: It’s finally time to embark on your adventure! The day before you leave, open the first envelope and find out where you’re going. Then pack your bags baby, because you’re in for an adventure!

Step 5: The rest of the surprises will be revealed at different points along the way, depending on where you’re going and what we have planned but no need to worry, they give you plenty of notice for you to get ready for every stage of your adventure.

For more information on Blind Experience and how it works, be sure to check out their FAQ page. If you have any questions or you’d like to enquire about doing your honeymoon in this way then go ahead and drop them an email!

What an exciting, innovative way to honeymoon. Now where do I sign?