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Happy Boxing Day one and all. I hope you’re feeling suitably rested, stuffed and that yesterday was all kinds of lovely. This is always one of my favourite times of year because I get to hear about all the festive engagements! Did any of you find a sparkler under the tree!?
I don’t know about you, but I think this is the perfect time to get involved in all things Rock n Roll Bride because with a brand-new year (no, DECADE!) right around the corner we have such big and exciting things planned (ahem Rock n Roll Bride Live!) This new issue also marks the five year anniversary of the magazine (WHAT, WHAT!?) I can’t quite believe we’ve now produced 30 of these babies. Seriously, five years?! Where the hell did the time go!?
Here’s a little sneaky peek of just some of the content you’ll find inside issue 30…And yes, that is a real bride gracing our cover. What a bloomin’ mega BABE. Just you wait until you see the rest of her Vegas wedding, too. I mean damnnnn.

AND AND AND the good news doesn’t end there, my friend, because this is a BUMPER ISSUE too. That means more pages, more weddings, more ideas, more advice, more inspiration than usual and still for the same bargain price of £4.99! I know, we’re just too good to you!

The issue is now available for pre-order via our shop page (with free UK postage and worldwide shipping available). It will be available in UK stores from January 2nd and in our international stockists a few weeks after that. This is not only our biggest but our best selling issue of the whole year which means it’s VERY likely that it will sell out. If you want save the faff of trawling the shops and ensure that you nab a copy, then you can subscribe or order this issue right now (and you may even get yours through the door before it appears on the newsstands!)

Believe me, that’s just for starters. You are going to LOVE everything inside! Pre-order your copy today and it’ll wing it’s way to you before the year is out. A subscription would also be a GREAT gift for that newly engaged friend in your life too #justsayin’.
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