Rock n Roll Bride Magazine Issue 36
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I think it’s pretty safe to say that very few of us will be sad to see the back of the year 2020. For most of us it's been painful, its been stressful and it's been life changing. Things that we took for granted now feel like luxuries and things we assumed would be a given just, well, weren't.
Wedding postponements, businesses closing, the ever-changing government guidelines - there's been a lot to deal with in the wedding world particularly, and while it would be all too easy for me to regurgitate the clichés about love not being cancelled and us all being in this together, I think it is important to acknowledge that for many of us, this year has been one of the hardest of our entire lives.
I don’t know about you, but I’ve personally loved seeing how people have been adapting to this ‘new normal’ with their weddings (and wedding businesses) and in many ways this year has forced us to take it all back to what a wedding should actually be about. Getting married is not about spending an amount you really can't really afford; it's not about caring what other people think of your decisions and it's not about having a guest list of 200 people.
Sure, a big wedding is absolutely awesome, and if you plan to have the large celebration later next year, more power to you. BUT if you were only doing those things because you thought you ‘should’, well, 2020 has been the perfect opportunity to do a complete 180.

This year has thrown us all so many unexpected curve-balls and without wishing to get too emo about it, my husband and business partner Gareth and I have been grateful for, and so incredibly humbled by, all your continued love and support for Rock n Roll Bride.
At times we were uncertain of how our business would look come the end of 2020, and we are thrilled that not only were we able to cope and adapt to the unexpected challenges that came our way, but that in many ways we're coming out of it with extra resilience and clarity for the future. We hope you too can look ahead to 2021 and feel the same.
NOW I DON'T KNOW ABOUT YOU, but I think that colourful cover photo may be one of our best yet (I know I always say that, and I know the Natural History Museum is hard to beat but I personally can't think of a better way to say hello to a brand-new year than with an enormous splash of colour).
We partnered with one of our favourite new bridal brands, The All White, for this shoot and we loved playing with their collection of a modular, individual, affordable alternative to wedding wear. With 24-pieces that can be styled and put together in thousands of different ways, this collection acts like building-blocks, where you can pick and choose the pieces that speak most to you and create a completely individual bridal look.

Want to see what went on behind the scenes? Be sure to get your peepers around this video made by Robin of Loved Up Films!
OMG I can't wait for you to see it!

Again, thank you from the bottom of my pink, sparkly heart for your love, support and passion for Rock n Roll Bride. The last twelve months have been some of the most difficult in living memory for many of us, but the fact that I can wake up every day and create something so many people love is a blessing I am forever grateful for.
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Merry Christmas from our house to yours, and here’s to making 2021 an absolute BLINDER!
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