Rock n Roll Bride - The ultimate guide for alternative brides

Rock n Roll Bride Magazine Issue 34

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Cover shoot photo: Devlin Photos - Styling: The Bijou Bride - Art Direction: Kat Williams - Hair: Jo Irving - Makeup: Shani Mushington - Assistant: Nicky Allen

I know, I know, I can't quite believe it's that time again already either! 2020 may be a lot of things, but slow and boring it is not. HOWWWW is it almost September!? You do know what that means though - the brand-new issue of Rock n Roll Bride magazine is now available to order and we are PSYCHED!

What's the actual benefit of pre-ordering? Well, in short, it means you're guaranteed to get one and if you're in the UK (international shipping takes a little longer) you'll get your copy before it goes on general sale. Pre-orders also help us out a lot, because we're able to track how popular the issue is going to be to ensure we're printing enough copies!

But, even better than that, if you wanted to subscribe instead (it doesn't cost you any more AND you won't have to remember to place your order every time) you'll officially become my new best friend. We now have over DOUBLE the subscribers that we had this time last year which, quite frankly, is rather bonkers and amazing and I'm so very grateful to every single one of you. Your continued support means the entire world and I don't take it for granted. You have no idea how difficult it is to make a print magazine profitable in 2020 and I love you all SO MUCH!

But enough about me, let's get on and see a sneak peek of what you'll find inside this issue...

The featured weddings are still just as gorgeous, just as inspirational and just as diverse as you've come to expect from Rock n Roll Bride. And yes, this IS a rainbow dress and a real life unicorn....

Big love to our talented and knowledgeable contributors, too. I'm thrilled that Natalie Lee of Style me Sunday and Autumn Rabbitts of Plumb & Rabbitts (you've probably seen her amazing wedding cakes featured before) have joined our team as regular writers.

And the shoot! OK, OK so this is a really special one. Our first shoot back after lockdown, it was a challenging day for many reasons, not least of all because I had a very specific vision in my head but we weren't QUITE sure how to make it work.

My sister, Rachel, is a really amazing artist (check our her Instagram, yes she takes custom orders!) and I wanted to incorporate her artwork into the background of the images. We tried projecting them in person, we tried overlaying them in Photoshop.. but nothing was really working. Then, at the very last minute (like literally a few days before we went to print) we found a retoucher who was able to combine Rachel's original artwork with Lisa's photos and BOOM! Magic! I knew it would all come together OK in the end ?

I've called the shoot Living Art because baby, no matter what craziness is going on in the outside world, its still up to us to live a life that brings us joy, colour and fun. Call me idealistic but I really feel that art and creativity is the BEST way to do that.

Video by Loved Up Films

To grab your copy, click here, or you can subscribe below. Remember, UK postage is STILL free (we must be nuts to still offer this!) and we can ship worldwide.

We have kept with our decision to not place this issue in physical stores again. So, if you want one you MUST order it from us. All orders are processed securely through PayPal (and if you don’t have a PayPal account you can just use the PayPal system to pay via credit or debit card).

Big love to our advertisers who continued to support us and are generally absolutely bloody awesome. Special shout out to Lucy Can't Dance, Bexbrides and Doris Loves who have been with us almost since the very beginning and Hen Do Events who are brand-new to the fold and organise super rad (and non-tacky) hen dos! If you're interested in finding out how to advertise in the magazine, just drop me a line. Our rates start from just £75.

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