Rock n Roll Bride Magazine Issue 33
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If you were one of the 1400+ (!) smart cookies who pre-ordered your copy of issue 33, then it may have already landed on your doormat, but if not, I wanted to tempt you further by sharing some little sneaky peeks inside the brand new Rock n Roll Bride magazine today. I am so very proud of this issue and I know you're going to love it!
The theme of this issue is rebirth because I truly feel like the wedding industry is being reborn right now. Covid-19 put everything on pause. It’s given you the chance to take a beat, to reassess what you REALLY want for your wedding and to trim the fat of the stuff you were doing just because it was cool… or trendy… or Pinterestable. Inside you'll find the usual eclectic mix of real weddings, shoots and advice articles, but with a focus on paring things down, stripping things back and focusing on you as a couple.
The past few months have been a tough time for everyone, but to those of you dealing with the heartbreak of having to postpone your weddings - I see you. Just remember, a big, fancy wedding has never been what being a Rock n Roll bride is all about. It's about having a day that celebrates love, family and your own personal view of the world and I for one am so excited to see how you all do this once you're finally allowed to loudly proclaim "WE DO!"

Honestly, I think the mix of weddings inside this issue is one of my favourites ever. There's an Indian wedding inside that will blow your socks off, an Irish day with all the girly details, a wrestling themed colourful celebration and a travelling elopement.... and that's just for starters!

Rock n Roll Bride magazine doesn't shy away from the topics that no other wedding mags will touch. Wedding night sex? Fatphobia in the wedding industry? Choosing a dress when you're in a wheelchair? We cover all of these (and more!) inside this issue.

To grab a copy, just click below or you can subscribe over here. And TBH you definitely should subscribe because not only does it not cost you any more, it means you'll never miss one. We'll deliver straight to your door for just £4.99 (+shipping if you're based outside of the UK).
As with last issue, due to lockdown and Covid-19, we have made the decision not to put this issue in stores. So, if you want one you MUST order it from us. All orders are processed securely through PayPal (and if you don't have a PayPal account you can just use the PayPal system to pay via credit or debit card).
Stay home, stay safe, and still get your Rock n Roll Bride fix. I mean, WHAT COULD BE BETTER THAN THAT!?
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