I have just discovered a new (to me, she has been blogging since 1998 or something ridiculous) blog that has inspired me more than anything I have seen in a long while. Not in any kind of theological or remotely deep way but in a fashion kind of way! This girl dresses just as I should! There are the obvious hair similarities between the two of us, but quite apart from that I find her style and wit so totally captivating!
I can see this is not so wedding-related…however the image to accompany this post could surely make for some amazing bridal style?!
Oh and quite apart from my shallow reasons for adoring my new find, iCING (the name of the site) has articles on anything you might want to know, from how to start a blog right the way through to how to get a non-rubbish tattoo …be warned you could spend hours on here!
Edit: I’ve just found out these photographs were actually Gala Darling’s birthday party…definitely still some amazing wedding-esque inspiration though…oh and I found more photographs. Enjoy!
Credit: Gala Darling
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