Rock n Roll Bride Magazine Issue 29
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The final issue of 2019 is here and ready for your purchasing pleasure. I'm not even going to make a big song and dance about how bloomin' fast 2019 has gone and how I can't believe that we're about to publish our November/ December issue but let me just say I am shooketh!
OK though, this cover, and this shoot, I'm like a proud mama bear. The whole reason I do what I do is so I can provide a platform for anyone who doesn't feel like they fit in... anyone that doesn't feel represented in the mainstream wedding media... anyone who feels like an outsider, or different, or maybe just feels uncomfortable with all the patriarchal, traditional shit that can come as part and parcel with a wedding. I've wanted to work with a transgender model for a very long time, but it's also taken a very long time to find one who was right for the job. As soon as I came across Talulah Eve I knew she was perfect.
I'm pretty sure I can say with utmost certainty that this has to be the first time a trans model has been used on the cover of a wedding magazine (feel free to correct me if I'm wrong because I'd love to see it!) and I am so fucking here for it I can't even tell you.
It's time for MORE REPRESENTATION, MORE VIABILITY AND MORE SHAKING UP THE STATUS QUO IN THIS GODDAMN ARCHAIC INDUSTRY. This is something I am bringing in HARD for 2020 and I'm excited as FUCK to bring you along with us.

Want to see what else is in store for you inside issue 29? Of course you do...!

Yep, she's a goodie. I LOVE this issue and I know you're going to too. To place a pre-order (and hopefully get it before it's even available in stores, you can subscribe or order this single issue, below.

The issue is available in WHSmiths, Sainsburys and selected newsagents in the UK, and in Easons in Ireland, from November 7th. From Mid-December onward you'll also be able to find it in Barnes and Noble in the US, Indigo Bookstores in Canada and select independent book shops and newsagents in the US, Canada, Australia, Germany, Taiwan and Brazil!
Yep, we're taking over the goddamn world right now. We're a revolution!!! Who wants to join us?

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