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Help! I’ve Fallen Out of Love with my Blog


Chellise Michael

August 6, 2013

Dear Kat, I have a massive dilemma and I really hope you can help. I've been blogging about a certain topic for the past few years and I've really loved it. I've made some great connections within the industry, built up a decent readership and I'm really proud of what I've achieved. But I have a problem... I feel like I've kinda fallen out of love with it - not of blogging, but with the topic I'm writing about.

10 Ways to Be More Popular (On Social Media)


Alexa Loy

July 30, 2013

I was never very popular at school. I had a group of four friends who I stuck pretty close to and we were delightfully nicknamed 'the bods' (our school's name for geeks/ nerds/ squares) by our much more popular peers. As a teen, popularity is such a life-defining thing. If you don't act a certain way or fit in with a particular group you're ostracised or bullied and you spend your days saying "Well who'd want to be like them anyway!?" while all the time wondering what you ever did to be so despised.

Business Bites: Ryan Gosling & New Blogger Business Advice


July 26, 2013

This week has been busy but delightful. I signed off on my two big projects (one of them will be hitting the blog on Monday - watch this very excited space!) and spent an evening with Gareth at a spa (yes, it was just as wonderful as it sounds). Then yesterday I hotfooted it to London to speak at the fabulous Papergirls Paperfest conference followed by one to many cocktails with Debs, Lucy and Abbey. Despite speaking to them all pretty much every day I haven't seen them in forever and it was just beyond magnificent to catch up in person.

Is it Ever OK to Work for Free?


Alexa Loy

July 23, 2013

When it comes to valuing your worth, something which I am a fierce advocate of, it's not just cold hard cash that can be the deciding factor. While the thought of working for free might initially seem like something that no-one in their right mind would want to do, on the contrary, doing some pro bono work can actually be a really good investment in your business. If you chose your projects and collaborations wisely and correctly use that work as part of a larger campaign or as a stepping stone to something else, it can be a hugely beneficial exercise.