Photography Friday – From Our Hearts to Our Hands

January 28, 2011

Those of you that follow me on Twitter, will know that I’ve had a bit of a rough week. Being a work-a-holic wedding blogger is often not so good for your health and (yet again) my body has screamed ‘arrrgh, need to rest’ and I’ve contracted glandular fever or tonsillitis (the doctors have done a blood test to see which one, if either, it is.)

Aaanyway, needless to say I haven’t felt much like taking pretty pictures this week, so instead I though I’d use this edition of Photography Friday to direct you towards a project set up by some of my favourite girls – Emma Case, Anna Hardy, Debs Ivelja and Joanna Brown. The project is called From Our Hearts to Our Hands.

They say, “We are four photographers who have come together to shoot and talk in equal measures! We have big plans for this little group and we hope to build a fantastic network of creative, inspiring photographers who love to shoot from the heart too!”

“Our aim is to create an inspiring, creative, supportive, encouraging, exploring community of artists who come together to share ideas, thoughts, feelings, hopes, fears in a way that makes us all smile and feel proud of our wonderful art.  We will be regularly setting projects where you will be free to join in, submit images, comment, talk, meet and learn from each other in a positive and exciting community.”

“We want you to be completely free with your creativity too!  We found that one of the main reasons why we wanted to come together in the first place was because we weren’t shooting for the hell of it anymore… we were shooting beautiful people, beautiful weddings etc and we were absolutely loving it but at the same time we felt we had even more to give…”

The first task set by the girls is to take a photograph
that says “From our Hearts.” You don’t have to be a professional photographer to be involved, so as soon as I’m feeling better I’m totally getting on board with this and joining in!I can’t wait to see how this group progresses. I have a feeling it’s not only going to be massively successful, but it’s going to be a pretty creative and fun place to hang out too. I’m there!